Results 51 comments of Michel Jung

I tried looking into it but @jfoenixadmin it seems that the branch `JFoenix-9.0.0` hasn't been kept up to date since August 2018 :-( I tried updating it but went over...

I had the same issue and it was a threading problem. To figure out why, I set a conditional breakpoint to where dirtyNodes is set, which suspended when not in...

@mathstuf where did you see that? One can sign up/in with GitLab, but still says `Gitlab support coming very soon!`

@antoinerg not at all, go ahead :)

There can be various reasons why the orca command fails. In our case (on Linux) it was caused by xvfb not being able to start. We figured this out by...

After `xvfb-run --version` didn't exist I gave up looking for its version :) We're on RHEL7. I'll try to gather some more info tomorrow.

Not required for v0.8 as we just go with the insert time of the database, for now-

How does "peers could tell the server" require the same facilities as "we can't send custom messages into the game"? We can send any kind of message to the server,...

I see. I use one of the two Java libraries listed on but I understand now that this project isn't meant to be a drop-in replacement for the official...

@clayreimann this query: ``` SELECT id, username, score, @s := @s + 1 rank FROM users, (SELECT @s := 0) AS s ORDER BY score DESC; ``` Runs in O(n)....