Results 51 comments of Michel Jung

Looks like this has been fixed with #565 (3.1.0).

I'm writing my own software, and I'm also facing this issue, which probably confirms it's not an issue with the Python CLI. See

Yes, headers should always be `Map

Also note, from [the documentation]( > For each setting in a port configuration, a special value of -1 can be used, which will cause that setting to be left alone...

You weren't setting up the port correctly, see From [the documentation]( > For each setting in a port configuration, a special value of -1 can be used, which will...

Hi @jmichalc thanks a lot! It's a good start to know that it's not just a problem of the port :-)

@jmichalc @moserware Issue nsp/JSkills#9 got resolved, in case you want to apply the fix to this project as well :)

While developing/testing locally, I run `import` several times. And every time I do, it downloads the whole `.pbf` file again. So I'd argue that it is indeed desirable to persist...

Which then requires every developer to download the file manually instead of using the mechanism that is there precisely to avoid downloading the file manually. And if the image is...