Michal Vavrecka
Michal Vavrecka
Yes, the installation was without errors. I do not know, how to debug it, as I am not sure, what renderer is adopted in Linux. In Cmakelist.txt is libopenvr_api.so bind...
Thanks for your answer. I tested the VR in Windows and it works (you need to git clone openvr into render folder). Also the Linux version compiles openvr (you need...
Thanks, I already tried this option, but then new error appeared. There is a problem with VR runtime initialization: Unable to initialize VR runtime. This is unfortunatelly part of C++...
There are several project connecting naoqi with ROS. We were able to test it on Pepper robot, but never developed any code for this. TYou can test it here -...
hi, we are on vacation AFK, so I am just guessing. 1. Try different robot in config - see helpers.py for robot with gripper 2. Change force and speed in...
Hi Stay, you are at the right place. Our simulator is capable of pick and place tasks. The implementation of 6DOF vision (position and rotation) is WIP, we do have...