Michal Sniatala

Results 17 comments of Michal Sniatala

Yes. I already have an alpha version somewhere on the hard drive... I just need to find some time to look at this new code again and make some tests.

@ayafaheem current version doesn't support CI4 - sorry.

I'm not sure if such functionality will make a lot of sense in real life cases. Not that the idea is wrong, but more like... changes made by developers to...

@MGatner Hmm... maybe I understood it in the wrong way... Others seem to be enthusiastic about it, so I guess it can be a useful feature.

I think adding optional parameters to the `permit_empty` rule isn't such a bad idea. Right now, when this rule occurs and its assumptions are met, all other rules are ignored....

@Tada5hi Feel free to send a PR.

It seems like a bug related to fact that we're using dot syntax to handle the nested array values. Until we solve this I guess you should be able to...

@paulbalandan Yes, this might be confusing and a little too "magical". Also it would introduce a breaking compatibility, since this bug is valid only if we want to display errors...

Here is some work started by Jim on this: https://github.com/jim-parry/CodeIgniter4/tree/refactor/email/system/Email

DB layer was ported from CI3 and we supported there a lot more databases. Not every one of them supported ORDER BY with DELETE. That's why we don't have this...