Michal Josef Špaček

Results 36 issues of Michal Josef Špaček

The conversion from JSON to DWG is not same on Windows as on Linux. Examples on libredwg.0.13.3: [linux.tar.gz](https://github.com/LibreDWG/libredwg/files/14424125/linux.tar.gz) [wine.tar.gz](https://github.com/LibreDWG/libredwg/files/14424126/wine.tar.gz) Diff between dwgread output of Windows dwgrewrite and conversion versions: ```...

I have an example: [red_line.tar.gz](https://github.com/LibreDWG/libredwg/files/14498409/red_line.tar.gz) Intention: Create a line, change color to red, create ltype, and use it in the created line. I am curious, that in the DWG file...


Reported by @xiuweihan in https://github.com/LibreDWG/libredwg/issues/946 [5172_v2.zip](https://github.com/LibreDWG/libredwg/files/14493740/5172_v2.zip) Error: ``` === Data Section (Section Info 2911) @2198900 === section_type: 0x4163003b [RLx 0] decomp_data_size: 47892 [RL 0] comp_data_size: 31437 [RL 0] compression_type: 2...

We have a situation, when we have DWG_VERSION_TYPE definitions in include/dwg.h, but this is related to DWG file, not to AutoCAD release. Intent behind this is, that we need to...


There is possibility of second header and without objfreespace in AC1012. This mean, that we need to split.


Example: [first.dwg.gz](https://github.com/LibreDWG/libredwg/files/13461902/first.dwg.gz) first.dwg: ``` codepage: 28 [RS 0] ANSI_1250 ... Next object: 23 Handleoff: 0x1 [UMC] Offset: -133 [MC] @21132 ========================================== Object number: 23/17, Size: 74 [MS], Type: 42 [BS],...


Actual situation: Example (Blank AC2.10 DWG file) [BLANK.DWG.gz](https://github.com/LibreDWG/libredwg/files/12431679/BLANK.DWG.gz) After conversion to JSON, there is BLOCK_HEADER in the form: ``` ... { } ... ``` Because code (in src/out_json.c): ``` ......

I am going to improve flags_r11 setting. I created PR https://github.com/LibreDWG/libredwg/pull/757 which: * Describe these numbers precisely * Added flags_r11 from the structure if is defined One thing is TODO,...