Michal Josef Špaček
Michal Josef Špaček
@rurban In the BLOCK_HEADER table entry is after name address of entity in block list. How could I process this address?
There is something wrong with entity parsing in work/preR13 branch. See example: [shape.tar.gz](https://github.com/LibreDWG/libredwg/files/8691343/shape.tar.gz) There are two entities: * LOAD * SHAPE Parse only first entity, because bad number "num" in...
Hi @rurban, You are creating nice flags printing (https://github.com/LibreDWG/libredwg/commit/4a52199ea72b9a47ff21abc14f8b2485fdd101cd) Could we add this kind of logging to all flags?
We need to fix handling id in entity. Stub here: https://github.com/LibreDWG/libredwg/commit/2a92ef3dcd151ef65d09a3e00334abcd453846cd This is length and string without termination as i understang. Example: [POINT1.DXF.gz](https://github.com/LibreDWG/libredwg/files/8516065/POINT1.DXF.gz) [POINT1.DWG.gz](https://github.com/LibreDWG/libredwg/files/8516066/POINT1.DWG.gz)
@rurban All dimensions in preR13 are one entity, which has special flag inside which differentiate dimension types. Structure of dimension is: ``` flag_r11 entity_size layer_index opts_r11 (2 bytes, probably better...
There is issue in block table parsing in preR13 Example: [BLOCK1.DXF.gz](https://github.com/LibreDWG/libredwg/files/8549851/BLOCK1.DXF.gz) [BLOCK1.DWG.gz](https://github.com/LibreDWG/libredwg/files/8549852/BLOCK1.DWG.gz) Actual parsing: ``` ... blocks 0x46c (0xfffffb94) - 0x0 (0x48, 0x80000000) ... ``` and code in src/decode.c: ```...
These structure is 6x 3d point created by vpoint command from probably R_2_10 Example: vpoint 1,2,3 output structure: ``` -0.8944271909999159, 0.4472135954999579, 0.0 -0.3585685828003181, -0.7171371656006362, 0.5976143046671968 0.2672612419124244, 0.5345224838248488, 0.8017837257372732 -0.8944271909999159, -0.3585685828003181,...
dwgadd is unusable: * Need of "\n" at begin of first string, sic. * issue with initial = 1 at begin and setting to intial after initialization * No error...
Signed-off-by: Michal Josef Špaček
Hi all, I am a Perl programmer and Fedora/RHEL Perl packager. I am interested in the FCGI topic. The actual situation is not fine for me. Upstream repo: https://github.com/FastCGI-Archives/fcgi2/ Perl...