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Parsing of preR13 dimensions
@rurban All dimensions in preR13 are one entity, which has special flag inside which differentiate dimension types.
Structure of dimension is:
opts_r11 (2 bytes, probably better is to use two flags)
... <------- elevation, thickness, handle, paper if flag_r11 flags
flag1 <------ dimension type
// Other is defined by opts_r11 flags
This detection is working, but i don't like it.
Yes, I saw that logic from the kaitai files. However, we need to separate it beforehand into our types, and then fix the fields, and R11OPTS checks
@rurban I understand. But yours commit is bad in case of dimension type switch on flag_r11.
I only have examples for LINEAR and ORDINATE, but should be fixed in work/preR13
@rurban I am in progress of creating test file for dimensions. Wait a minute.
dim.tar.gz From AutoCAD 2.62 (probably no angular3 and ordinate types)
Hmm, so with r2.6 the flag_r11 is not the type, but the opts_r11 flags. But DIA and RAD both have 0x22
@rurban flag_r11 is not type at all. flag_r11 in mine:
- id: entity_mode1
type: b1
- id: entity_pspace_flag
type: b1
- id: entity_handling_flag
type: b1
- id: entity_mode4
type: b1
- id: entity_thickness_flag
type: b1
- id: entity_elevation_flag
type: b1
- id: entity_linetype_flag
type: b1
- id: entity_color_flag
type: b1
This is RC
After this are: entity_size RS entity_layer_index RS opts_flag1 RC opts_flag2 RC
After this are: if some_flags_r11 some parsing
- color
- linetype
- elevation
- thickness
- pspace
- vport
- handling
- probably other defined in flags_r11 flag
------ End of common entity block ------
After this in dimensions: block_index RS def_pt 2D|3D text_midpt 2D|3D
if opts_flag1 == 2 // Otherwise dimension is linear (= 0) dim_type RC
Everything releated to dim_type flags.
sorry dim_type is more complex:
- id: flag_text_in_user_location
type: b1
- id: flag_x_type_ordinate
type: b1
- id: flag_block_for_dim_only
type: b1
- id: flag_u4
type: b1
- id: type
type: b4
enum: dim_type
It's better now, but still not 100% correct
Now it's correct