
Results 8 comments of michaelwassmer

To my best knowledge, this isn't used anymore. Also, the corresponding MET filters https://github.com/cms-sw/cmssw/blob/master/RecoMET/METFilters/python/badGlobalMuonTaggersAOD_cff.py and https://github.com/cms-sw/cmssw/blob/master/RecoMET/METFilters/python/badGlobalMuonTaggersMiniAOD_cff.py seem not to be recommended anymore, see https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/viewauth/CMS/MissingETOptionalFiltersRun2.

@vlimant I'm not sure I understand what the issue is. Could you explain?

Is this still relevant? Maybe it makes more sense to revisit this as soon as https://github.com/michaelwassmer/cmssw/tree/CMSSW_12_0_0_ReworkMETCors is ready, because this PR tries to get rid of all the sequences and...

@vlimant Not yet. My latest state on this is here: https://github.com/michaelwassmer/cmssw/tree/CMSSW_12_3_4_patch1_ReworkMETCors I think I just need to get started on the rebasing of this branch into master and then create...

Sorry for the delay. It's on my to-do list with a high priority. @vlimant I created the PR, see https://github.com/cms-sw/cmssw/pull/40002.

So should we just remove this stuff? As far as I understood the discussion above, these things aren't used anymore, right?

Ok, I'll try to get this done today or tomorrow. Edit: Done, see https://github.com/cms-sw/cmssw/pull/40591 .

@swertz At least three of the workflows mentioned there (10224.15, 11024.15, 25202.15) worked in my local setup without a problem. The other wf (136.72413) still showed a problem, but I...