Michael Oyer

Results 4 comments of Michael Oyer

> As @dsyme noted, partitionBy or partitionWith might be better names. Most of the `By` and the `With` family named functions return the original type (`sumBy`, `averageBy` and `countBy` being...

What about expanding the naming to the `choose` family of functions? Choose currently uses the `option` union type, and maps the new type from that union type, and that's kind...

> choose is about filtering out elements. Partitioning is separating elements from each other while retaining all original elements. True with partition you could take the two lists from the...

Ran into this issue today as well and unfortunately it does not appear this will be something that gets changed. [Right now](https://github.com/aws-actions/amazon-ecs-render-task-definition/blob/ac1938bb1280b4d5564fdefc715af5d15f7f1c57/index.js#L20) you either give it an absolute path OR...