Michael Thompson
Michael Thompson
It can be useful to use the -j option to point to some folder within a (large) repo to speed up doorstop, but vcs operations fail in this case as...
The following doesn't work, returning a file not found error. ``` python @app.route("/") def root(request): return File("index.html") ``` The following works ``` python @app.route("/index.html") def root(request): return File("index.html") ``` And...
This test fails for me running python 2.7 and sympy 0.7.1 The use of vars is probably a bad idea as it puts symbols into the global namespace. Some of...
Opening a large (700M) transient results file loads the complete file into memory, which is slow and uses lots of memory. Would it be possible load the trace names and...
designParamVals.info seems to be in text format. Trying to load it into a PSFDataSet and running get_header_properties segfaults.
Using a unicode string throws the following error, converting the path to a string works. Not sure if unicode file names are required ``` ArgumentError: Python argument types in PSFDataSet.__init__(PSFDataSet,...