
Results 17 issues of mia

To support cross-compilation, enca’s build system must not depend on executables built for the host system. This includes the `make_hash` tool and `iconvcap`. Since this depends on the host iconv,...


Distributions that package Python modules would like the ability to verify that they actually work. Hence, it would be nice if the release tarballs included the test suite.

Upstream has, among other things, fixes for a couple string buffer overflows that really should be applied.

do not close

I realize this is a lot to just ask without the time and ability to implement and maintain the necessary changes myself. Hence, I’ll spare you the long-winded political speech....


When using OpenSSL and a certificate which uses EC crypto (e.g. nistp384 curve), client connections fail with errors like `error:14077410:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:sslv3 alert handshake failure`. The ngircd log says: `[15862:3 627]...

help wanted

The TPP needs presets. Likewise, the shift dialog doesn’t need a history (I don’t care what my parameters were 200 episodes ago) but explicit saving.

Steps to reproduce: 1. Start Aegisub 2. Load audio track 3. Push lead-out button 4. Observe random amount of lead-out getting added instead of the configured duration The feature will...

setup.py in the release tarball for 0.9.1 installes the following files in error: ``` /$prefix/LICENSE /$prefix/tests/broken_config.json /$prefix/tests/broken_database.db ```

Switching channels is quite slow, especially with large logs. I’ve had a quick look at `perf top` and that revealed Qt text layout as the culprit. Limiting the QTextDocument’s block...

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