Mubashir Hassan
Mubashir Hassan
same error
Oh i thought you will be inactive on this repo. So I created a new repo and published an npm package. Actually I was using it in a create-react-app and...
By the way I updated this package and added some more props for my use case. Here is the link:
I am using React 18. I didn't add any custom config. I just installed it and it was throwing error. So I had to update
Don't merge this pull request. I didn't mean to open this pull request. It was accidental. I just cloned the repo and updated everything which I needed in that repo...
@matifali winget is still in preview. Hope it will soon grow like apt and other package managers. We have to wait.
@matifali this path problem is not because of winget-cli. The actual installer of vim does not add vim directory to the path. So this is not an issue of winget-cli.
> You need to create a file inside of the root project, called `jsconfig.json` with the following properties: > > ``` > { > "compilerOptions": { > "baseUrl": "./", >...