
Results 106 issues of mgood7123

it appears that MPS does not provide an interface for easy object pinning (for AMC (`moving gc`))


how would i go about obtaining GC statistics (eg, for profiling GC) additionally how would we handle object resurrection ? (eg, an object is assumed to have been collected, but...


``` inValue.mPtr = 0x0 ``` ```haxe var socket = new; fd(socket.__s); ``` ```haxe @:native("SOCKET_FD") extern public static function fd(socket: Socket): Int; ``` ```haxe @:headerCode(" int SOCKET_FD(Dynamic socket); ") @:cppFileCode("...

this is requires to pass command-line arguments to Haxe for it to return via `Sys.args()` ```cpp extern int _hxcpp_argc; extern char **_hxcpp_argv; extern "C" void hxcpp_main(); int main(int argc, char...

```haxe var host : Dynamic = null; host = null; host.load(HOST_DIR); // null object reference ``` ```haxe trace("INVOKING NPE"); var reload : feathers.controls.Button = null; reload.height = 30; // null...

with debug build ```haxe function loadHost() { try { // ... var source = File.getBytes(HOST_SCRIPT); var module = Module.fromData(source.getData()); if (module != null) { // ... trace("calling createUI() for instance...

anyone know how to fix this? this is my main ```haxe static function main() { trace("Hello World!"); var app: openfl.display.Application = new openfl.display.Application(); var window : openfl.display.Window = app.createWindow(null); //var...

[dump.hex.checklog.txt]( text copy of file is shown below: ``` PyPS3checker v0.11.x. Check log. Checked file : C:\Users\matthew good\Documents\dump.hex ******* Getting flash type ******* Flash type : NOR Reversed : NO...

ripped gnu libcpp into a standalone lib to make it easier for people to analize GCC's C pre-processor