
Results 106 issues of mgood7123

any idea's on how to make magisk safely install and not brick the phone ?

does this support Unity ? ``` # current packages for working C# api in unity System.Buffers.4.5.1 System.Collections.Immutable.7.0.0 System.Memory.4.5.5 System.Numerics.Vectors.4.5.0 System.Reflection.Metadata.7.0.0 System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe.6.0.0 System.Runtime.Loader.4.0.0 ``` Mono runtime netstandard2.0

does this have android support?


why cant it resolve symbols natively like libdl/dynamic loader does, as using a pre built somwhat symbol tablish thing in a library would defeat the point of using this is...

add support for `value_or_cast` this is useful when using unsigned and signed types ```C++ tl::optional x = get_PossibleVal(); ``` example 1 ```C++ // equivalent to: float a = x.hasValue() ?...

![image]( would this be a bug in the glyph rendering or in the font file? `make && ./demo/glyphy-demo -t "{" -f /System/Library/Fonts/Times.ttc` this does not seem to happen in other...

fully ported to OpenGL 3 context

could you provide all this in English?

adapted from this fixes possible rendering edge cases mentioned in * this additionally fixes an uncommon crash when the assistant is brought up over the application * this...