
Results 106 issues of mgood7123

how can i obtain a tokens matched string as it is difficult to do so, for example ``` { #include typedef struct My_Sym { int value; } My_Sym; #define D_UserSym...

will there every be support for stdin and piece input (eg via input from external lexer) via `dparse()` , eg ``` "int" "a" ";" NULL "int a;" ```

something like this would work ```CMAKE # this exports two variables, BOOST_INCLUDE, and BOOST_LIBRARY add_subdirectory(Boost-for-Android) include_directories(${BOOST_INCLUDE}) add_library(GLIS STATIC shm.cpp ashmem.cpp) # link with BOOST target_link_libraries(GLIS log freetype glm EGL GLESv3...

will this support CMake in the future?

is it possible to, in future releases, have Boost for Android merge the header files of all build architectures into a single includes folder? in that, for example, when building...

Showing All Messages :-1: Cycle in dependencies between targets 'Helm - VST' and 'Helm - VST3'; building could produce unreliable results. Cycle path: Helm - VST → Helm - VST3...

could you provide an in-memory resampling example that works in memory instead of file pointers? eg ```C++ int16_t in = InMemoryAudioFile; int16_t out = nullptr; int inSampleRate = 44100; int...

this is strongly related to however rebooting the machine IS NOT A SOLUTION nor is RESTARTING LIMECHAT both are just a TEMPORARY FIX to a bug in limechat's code...