> it's an issue with ipyparallel What's the issue w/ ipyparallel?
Thanks; I'll follow along there.
`gcc` isn't finding the `C++` standard library, of which `cstddef` is a part: ```warning: include path for stdlibc++ headers not found; pass '-stdlib=libc++' ``` It looks like you're using anaconda...
In the setup.py. but this is really a workaround.
Preliminary attempt at this: https://github.com/BlueBrain/eFEL/pull/54
Shall we close this up?
Makes sense. I would say getting a more compact graph would be helpful, in that regard, as there is a lot of scrolling at the moment.
We have information on this: https://bbpteam.epfl.ch/project/spaces/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=89589507
(should add that I think @alex4200 is always looking to improve the process, so if there are new features that should be included, I'm sure he'd love to know)
On a lark, I started a conversion to pure python at one point, and other than being time-consuming it isn't too bad. On the performance side, judicious use of numpy...