Mark Gibbons
Mark Gibbons
### Describe the Bug The internalLinkMatcher default matches media URLs which causes issues with query strings ### To Reproduce import { Link as JssLink, } from '@sitecore-jss/sitecore-jss-nextjs'; Set the...
### Describe the Bug I'm doing a POC on Netlify and have run into a few issues. First, ran into where the OOTB next.config.js rewrites don't work. Had to...
### Describe the Bug NextImage loader doesn't correctly set the width and height params on the url depending on the fill value. This results in Sitecore image processor to add...
### Describe the Bug Hot Module Reloading described here is not working Console logs repeatedly: `WebSocket connection to 'ws://localhost:3000/_next/webpack-hmr' failed: ` Also the whole window refreshes itself every minute...
### Describe the Bug Writing component builder to /home/runner/work/aceik-sandpit-xmc/aceik-sandpit-xmc/src/rendering/apps/aceik-demo/src/temp/componentBuilder.ts Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, scandir 'node_modules' at Object.readdirSync (node:fs:1525:3) at getMetadata (/home/runner/work/aceik-sandpit-xmc/aceik-sandpit-xmc/src/rendering/node_modules/@sitecore-jss/sitecore-jss-dev-tools/dist/cjs/templating/metadata.js:15:31) at generateMetadata (/home/runner/work/aceik-sandpit-xmc/aceik-sandpit-xmc/src/rendering/apps/aceik-demo/scripts/generate-metadata.ts:13:41) at Object. (/home/runner/work/aceik-sandpit-xmc/aceik-sandpit-xmc/src/rendering/apps/aceik-demo/scripts/generate-metadata.ts:10:1)...
### Describe the Bug When the @next/bundle-analyzer is installed and configured, building the site gives: ../../node_modules/webpack-bundle-analyzer/lib/analyzer.js Module not found: Can't resolve 'fs' Import trace for requested module: ../../node_modules/webpack-bundle-analyzer/lib/viewer.js ../../node_modules/webpack-bundle-analyzer/lib/index.js...
### Describe the Bug The change here in JSS 21.1.0 is a breaking change in that it needs a metadata property otherwise it will not render the link. There...