Mathias Fußenegger

Results 76 issues of Mathias Fußenegger

`:saveas newName` changes the name of an existing buffer. Due to the buffer re-use it skips the lsp attach phase and immediately sends a `didSave` notification to the server. Servers...


cr8 tries to unpack the `.zip` with `tarfile`: Downloading and extracting to C:\Users\runneradmin\.cache\cr8\crates Traceback (most recent call last): File "c:\hostedtoolcache\windows\python\3.8.5\x64\lib\", line 194, in _run_module_as_main return _run_code(code, main_globals, None, File...

Some code actions like `Generate Constructors` are duplicated if the client doesn't provide a `only` kind filter. For example: - Create a project with `gradle init --type java-application` - Open...

In both the signature help and in the completion resolve path ad-hoc cached ThreadPool instances were created and not shutdown properly. Using the same ExecutorService instance can avoid spawning new...


## Summary of the changes / Why this improves CrateDB It kinda belongs to the setting definition We could eventually flip this and instead mark internal ones. ## Checklist -...

## Summary of the changes / Why this improves CrateDB 🔥 ## Checklist - [x] Added an entry in `CHANGES.txt` for user facing changes - [x] Updated documentation & `sql_features`...

## Summary of the changes / Why this improves CrateDB Adds support for correlated scalar subqueries within the select list. See - Introduces a new `OuterColumn` symbol to wrap...

**Use case**: Using [TypeORM]( which generates queries like this: ```sql SELECT columns.*, pg_catalog.col_description( ( '"' || table_catalog || '"."' || table_schema || '"."' || table_name || '"' ) :: regclass...

feature: sql: relations
complexity: no estimate
leverage: high