Mathias Fußenegger

Results 271 comments of Mathias Fußenegger

Is this also reproducable with any other language server? If not it would point to a problem with tailwindcss. Please also try to deactivate other unrelated plugins like nvim-cmp or...

If you're using `vim.lsp.tagfunc` (set by default in neovim master) you can use `CTLR-w ]` to open the definition of the symbol under the cursor in a split and then...

The stacktrace points to the code responsible for notifying the server about changes to a file. In theory this shouldn't be specific to `jedi` but happen with any supporting incremental...

> With the proposed GOPATH change, the buffer will be attached to the actively running language server (good), but will this buffer may or may not point to a file...

> We could instead wrap the location handler to call buf_attach which would bypass single file mode and instead attach a server to the out-of-root file. Wouldn't that imply that...

> I think this is a good enough solution. It can have quite the performance impact. I think in order to attach the client we would need to load the...

I think part of the reason is that the `jdk` included in the nightly tarballs is for x64 linux only. I was thinking of extending the `java_magic` so replace the...

> @mfussenegger If I understand you correctly the idea for the nightly build `latest-nightly` is to still rely on the system java (over the bundled `jdk`) at least for macOS?...

Both `` and `self.bcc` are lists, so you could use `cc.append(address)` But I'm not sure if they are correctly included in the email headers later. It's been a while since...

> I did not remove language/progressReport intentionally because that would be breaking change. For example, nvim-jdtls relies on it (don't know about others) nvim-jdtls works with `$/progress` as well (due...