Results 28 comments of Morgan Fouesneau

It's not like xt is part of that and linked first? I tried multiple and it did not work better

I also have this problem. Python 3.7, 3.8 and 3.9. Similar error message ``` Collecting sklearn-contrib-py-earth Downloading sklearn-contrib-py-earth-0.1.0.tar.gz (1.0 MB) |████████████████████████████████| 1.0 MB 6.6 MB/s Requirement already satisfied: scipy>=0.16 in...

Can you give the actual procedure. I do not see a dev branch.

Indeed, it works when cloning the repo and installing manually. What's the issue with `pip`?

You're using python 3. I do not know where ```map``` is used but this is no list anymore

I also have linking issues when using the example from the documentation ```cpp #include #include int main() { xt::xtensor A = xt::ones({10,5}); xt::dump_hdf5("example.h5", "/path/to/data", A); A = xt::load_hdf5("example.h5", "/path/to/data"); std::cout

Just installed and have the same issue. I can see the bundles for a few seconds

It seems they are affected when one uses a view that is not the default view.

FYI, it seems iptables is updating its options. I have iptables v1.6.0 and the `multiport` command reports `no chain/target/match by that name` (worked before) I simply used `sudo /sbin/iptables -A...