Rich Smith
Rich Smith
(Yes, I'm aware how old this issue is) Urm, you know its Free right, and the Pro version isn't on GitHub...
> I am a licensed own of the pro version and i am talking of the pro version! Well if you look in the file for the pro version:...
> Decided to throw it away. I advised all other users in our ASEAN forum to do the same. You proved me right. My last post was on Nov 8,...
> @methecooldude > > I am so sorry i thought you were part of the team. I got very frustrated with the developers who dont response. They are just for...
Also getting similar when using SetSceneItemRender (in legacy v4 mode)... `Baserequests.__init__() takes 1 positional argument but 3 were given`
> > SetSceneItemRender > > See keywords here:, and use the same dictionary unpacking trick. Ah, thanks. I did think a bit after commenting and some reading that it...