The error is just that the URL is in a bad format. Could be that this type of URL was not supported by the regex and the actual rip would...
Can you give examples of what recursive ripping would look like? Thanks for the positive feedback, but as a general comment about issues, please make the actionable issue clear in...
@rautamiekka Thanks, makes sense.
> @tehloxely commented > I'm sure you might know this already. But RipMe cannot download from private Instagram accounts. Would it be possible in the future to add your Instagram...
If Instagram provides a way to get a auth key tied to your user account (like we have for Twitter and Tumblr API keys in the `` config file), then...
> reddit_user_PeachyAmber I'm guessing I generally rip reddit users submissions by using the submitted URL (somehow I think the default view might download things they posted on as well...
I was able to rip this with no problem. Maybe there was a server capacity issue when you were trying?
I see it does get stuck on this particular image for a long time. Not sure why this is happening.
Is there any way to get the list of files directly via the json (or otherwise) endpoints that the page downloads to populate the page dynamically?
What would you expect would happen when a user is deleted? Just nothing gets downloaded? You just want an error so you know about it? I think it might just...