The text etc also seems to be very low resolution
Is this still needed? I could probably write an extension using their API
Thank you for your reply! I tried the above and upgraded my plugin but I still have an issue where the greeting messages don't show the second &l (The aqua...
I've been able to isolate this issue further, I haven't been able to replicate this on an alt-account that also has a long userId, so i doubt that is the...
I added print statements where zoneplus adds a player and a character, Both of these do get printed from the bugged players perspective with their name I also added a...
I think I have figured out whats causing the issue, I copied all important scripts from my place into a testplace and the zone detection worked there at first (even...
[]( Here is my testplace, Keep in mind that it doesnt seem to occur for every player, also keep in mind that even with the UserId I specified before, It...
I have temporarily fixed it by changing the FindFirstChild(X) to WaitForChild(X, 3) in `function Tracker.getCharacterSize(character)` for both Head and HRP
It's indeed more of a bandaid, not a fix, Which is why I haven't marked this as closed yet
Since it only happens to some players and isn't 100% reproducible its very hard to say, However I realised that If i delay character loading (By loading the character in...