
Results 6 comments of mesb1

Same here, it would be nice to generate in one line something like: Kazan Sep 18: 9/2C - Sep 19: 10/0C - Sep 20: 9/0C With day and night temp.

Checking latest: ``` ./ -d -p hp_msa --plugin-option=hp_msa-serial=/dev/ttyS0 --plugin-option=hp_msa-enabled check_raid Version 3.2.4 See how to report bugs with debug data: ``` And no any output. But when i...

Did some research: There must be atleast: ``` perl my $port = new Device::SerialPort("/dev/ttyS0"); $port->user_msg(ON); $port->baudrate(19200); $port->parity("none"); $port->databits(8); $port->stopbits(1); $port->handshake("xoff"); $port->write_settings; $port->lookclear; $port->write("some command to com-port"); my $answer = $port->lookfor;...

Ok, i will try. For now is playing with `setserial /dev/ttyS0 baud_base 19200` but not very lucky.

Well, looks like it's not quite normal doing it via setserial. As example there is parameters for msa like 19200 8N1, we can't set any of them exept base_baud 19200....