Yue Meng
Yue Meng
Hi. I am trying to sync boundingboxes with images and I am using message filter to do that. Before that I also modified the header of bbx using `_imageHeader`. Then...
I encountered an error in generating heatmaps from inference.py Later on I found out that, in the definition of `predictHM(self, img)` function at line 125 in `inference.py`, ``` python self.predict.pred(...
Hi I tried the installation and encountered this issue. Could you please help me with this? Thanks. I was running on Ubuntu18.04 with Julia 1.1.0 ``` julia> using AutoEnvs [ERROR:...
Hi I used your code in `./pcn/render/` to generate partial pointclouds from ShapenetV1 models under `Ubuntu16.04` with `Blender 2.79`. But seems like the results are quite noisy and in low...
Hi, I tried to run the code in `examples/developer/transys/transys_detailed_examples.py` but it failed because there was no `InfiniteSequence`. I also cannot find this class in the repo. Is it in a...
I have `pybullet==3.2.5`, and when I try to create a PyBullet client connection via `bullet_client.BulletClient(connection_mode=p.DIRECT)`, at the very beginning, it will output "argv[0]=". This could be not very pleasant if...
Hi. When I ran the example code in README, it showed ``` WARNING:root:Failed to import geometry msgs in rigid_transformations.py. WARNING:root:Failed to import ros dependencies in rigid_transforms.py WARNING:root:autolab_core not installed as...