Scale in FFMpegArgumentOptions not found
Hi, I came again, I found a CUE file that could not identify the code, but I set system.text.gb18030 system.text.gb2312 and other Chinese codes can be recognized normally.
### 我已经安装了最新开发版的 Koodo Reader,这个问题仍然存在 - [X] Yes ### 我已经搜索了已有的 issue 列表,没有找到类似的 issue - [X] Yes ### 我已经阅读了 Koodo Reader 的帮助文档,仍然无法解决 - [X] Yes ### 操作系统或浏览器 Windows 11 ### Koodo Reader...
public double MouseWheelDelta { get { return (double) GetValue(MouseWheelDeltaProperty); } set { SetValue(MouseWheelDeltaProperty, value); } } /// /// 鼠标滚动补偿 /// public static readonly DependencyProperty MouseWheelDeltaProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("MouseWheelDelta", typeof(double), typeof(ScrollViewer), new...
请求公开窗体的 最小化,最大化,关闭等按钮。 在dialog进行异步操作等待时用户可直接关闭窗口,造成一些不必要的操作继续被执行。需将dialog与窗体按钮进行绑定。 目前解决办法: if (this.GetTemplateChild("ButtonClose") is System.Windows.Controls.Button button) button.SetBinding(IsEnabledProperty, new Binding() { Source = AdornerDecorator.Child,Path= new PropertyPath("IsEnabled") });
Unrecognized encoded Chinese text file #142 I have uploaded the corresponding file
Revised Chinese language
## Description Unrecognized ePub file System.AggregateException”(In System.Private.CoreLib.dll ) ## Sample EPUB file File Download Url: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zLEv2IL9C8FiLg6T0hm34a5kA-j3IQM3/view?usp=sharing
类似 爱心 、星星 收藏按钮,点击收藏,再次点击取消收藏。 实现为原始位置切换显示两个图标。