
Results 11 comments of YiLin

I read the source code.,Delay effect only supports mouse wheel(vertical direction)。 You may need to rewrite the scrollbar component。


WindowAttach.cs // Using a DependencyProperty as the backing store for DialogEnableCloseButton. This enables animation, styling, binding, etc... public static readonly DependencyProperty DialogEnableHandyCloseButtonProperty = DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("DialogEnableHandyCloseButton", typeof(bool), typeof(WindowAttach), new PropertyMetadata(false, OnDialogEnableHandyCloseButtonPropertyChanged)); private...

> What is the expected encoding? Chinese encoding, maybe GB18030


I can get the information correctly from RolerFileToolkit https://github.com/rolerzhang/RolerFileToolkit

{ "Path": "C:\\Users\\Line\\Desktop\\歌声伴随你 - 第24集.cue", "Artist": "����������", "Comments": "DISCID DD0CEC0F˵COMMENT \"ExactAudioCopy v1.0b2\"", "Title": "��24��", "Tracks": [ { "Path": null, "Title": "�������01", "Artist": "����������", "Composer": null, "Comment": "", "Genre": "", "Album":...