Jan Meiswinkel

Results 13 issues of Jan Meiswinkel

See [JENKINS-41516](https://issues.jenkins.io/browse/JENKINS-41516). ### Proposed changelog entries - Add listener for privileged groovy script execution (including script console and CLI). ### Proposed upgrade guidelines N/A ### Submitter checklist - [x] (If...


This PR relates to https://github.com/jenkinsci/jenkins/pull/6539 and https://issues.jenkins.io/browse/JENKINS-68404. It serves the purpose to track potentially dangerous usages of groovy scripts. The script listener is called when a script is considered to...

Apparently, it is not possible to use DefaultAzureCredentials for workspace auth. From the [docs](https://github.com/Azure/MachineLearningNotebooks/blob/master/how-to-use-azureml/manage-azureml-service/authentication-in-azureml/authentication-in-azureml.ipynb), the available auth types are: Interactive Login Authentication Azure CLI Authentication Managed Service Identity (MSI) Authentication...

Resolves #383 This PR aims to unify the configuration for the Testcontainer Hostvariable as it is in [Java](https://java.testcontainers.org/features/configuration/#customizing-docker-host-detection) and [Dotnet](https://dotnet.testcontainers.org/custom_configuration/) (and potentially others).


**Describe the bug** In [Java](https://java.testcontainers.org/features/configuration/#customizing-docker-host-detection) and [Dotnet](https://dotnet.testcontainers.org/custom_configuration/), the variable "TESTCONTAINERS_HOST_OVERRIDE" exists to manually specify the testcontainer host IP. This is required for rootless docker in docker. **Runtime environment** RHEL8 with...

🚀 enhancement
📦 package: core

> Adding login.microsoftonline.com to your NO_PROXY environment variable will let requests to login.microsoftonline.com bypass the proxy. ([original suggestion](https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-azure-account/issues/676#issuecomment-1338281972)) From https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-azure-account/wiki/Troubleshooting#unable-to-sign-in-while-using-a-proxy This is actually not really a solution. Especially in companies,...

This PR resolves [JENKINS-63668](https://issues.jenkins.io/browse/JENKINS-63668). If a job fails because a script is not approved, it automatically re-requests the approval. It also deprecates the current #using method and adds a new...


Add ParserConfiguration#setParsers to blacklist. This function allows to run scripts in the agent-context without further approval by adding them as parsers in the global configuration -> Privilege Escalation ### Testing...


Formula for approximation: https://preshing.com/20110504/hash-collision-probabilities/ Assuming 62^22 different possibilities.

### Jenkins and plugins versions report Environment ```text Jenkins: 2.401.1 OS: Linux - 4.18.0-477.13.1.el8_8.x86_64 Java: 11.0.19 - Red Hat, Inc. (OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM) --- Office-365-Connector:4.18.0 PrioritySorter:5.0.0 analysis-model-api:11.3.0 ansicolor:1.0.2 ant:487.vd79d090d4ea_e...
