René Meier
René Meier
Just a little addition. I could work around this issue by placing a dummy cloud-init script in the image which does nothing.
I don't exactly understand the Wikidata part, but I understand that the current MassBank data might produce inconsistencies in external repositories because its already inconsistent within MassBank. In this particular...
I have fixed the inconsistencies for this particular compound. Numbers for all inconsistencies will follow.
Here are some numbers: We have 3351 unique InChI keys and we have 2964 unique InChI keys first block with inconsistencies. And here is a listing of inconsistencies by databases:...
And one last fact: we don't have any inconsistencies in the connection table. Only stereochemical information differ between SMILES and InChI.
Thank you for bringing this to our attention. An automatic procedure should be in place, but apparently its not working atm. I will look into this.
I just checked and didn't found any differences. Could you please explain a little bit more of your finding? What I did: * Downloaded the zip from zenodo: *...
Yes, you are right. Zenodo only covers the txt files. Thats a result of the automatic zenodo release procedure of github. I dont know how to automatically attach the other...
Has there been any progress on this issue?
Its already on the roadmap, but technical procedure is still undefined. We have this as WP in our next de.NBI funding period. We can use this issue for discussion. You...