Meet Shah

Results 7 issues of Meet Shah

**Minimum Reproducible Example** ``` import torch import torch2trt USE_TRT = True class Model(torch.nn.Module): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.conv = torch.nn.Conv2d(32, 4, kernel_size=1) def forward(self, inp): out = self.conv(inp) return out def...

Planned updates * Upgrade to pytorch-1.0 * Allow support for models to have custom loss functions. * Pretrained models on S3 for common models-dataset pairs * Compatibility matrix for dataset...

All models do not fit in memory, thus masking a threaded dataloader makes sense. Either using or using simple generators.


help wanted

The error is in the the constructor not being able to be overloaded. Steps for reproduction : Add FixedPoint in the examples.cpp and compile.

Currently, it gives incorrect values for some operations. Using pxfail for the same in py.test

WRT I think you should reconsider using scipy.misc.imread in place of PIL Image, because for VOC datasets, the PIL loads a grayscale image for the segmentation annotation, while a...