Meet Shah

Results 19 comments of Meet Shah

Check my comment [here](

Not at the moment. The PSPNet weight loading is buggy, I'll add these methods once that is fixed.

I'm aware of this issue, U-net implementation doesn't support all resolutions. I need to fix this.

That would be great! Looking forward to your PR.

Any solutions to this? I'm using CUDA 8.0 and cuDNN 6.0.21, I still get the error.

I've solved this by using cuDNN 5 with CUDA 8.0.

I'm observing the same phenomena. Is there some fix to this? @kitterive - What initial weights are you using? Also how are you normalizing the coordinates?

@oarriaga - In that case, which model weights did you use to finetune it VGG16 ( with top removed) or the caffe converted SSD weights ?

@oarriaga @rykov8 - Has anyone successfully tried to train the SSD from scratch ( i.e using only VGG16 weights) using this code ? If not then perhaps, it would be...