To quote tips & tricks: “The ore sorting machine facility is a giant advanced gravity separator, centrifuge and grate separator…” That’s why I suggest adding a centrifuge building to the...
Okay, here’s an idea: With Bob’s and the component overhaul, there are six tiers of Angel’s batteries and six tiers of equipment that uses batteries (battery, laser defense, plasma cannon)....
I noticed that flying robot frames, including Bob’s upgraded versions, have component mode integration, making their recipes similar to Angel’s frames. However, Bob’s mods also add 5 other items with...
Suggestion: replace Bob’s recipes for tungsten/alien alloys with something along the lines of the following: Tungsten powder mixture + carbon > tungsten carbide powder mixture (powder mixer) Tungsten carbide powder...
Please change the infinite versions of vanilla and Bob’s ores to use a more varied set of mining fluids when playing with bobplates.
In AB, module cases, which are required for not only modules but also character bodies and modular grid roboports, are locked behind a bunch of technologies that are only relevant...
Remove Angel’s vehicle fusion reactor. Change the portable fusion reactor to require deuterium cells as fuel. With Bob’s mods, different tiers of equipment use different tiers of fuel: Portable reactor...
The component mode electronics replacement script results in Bob’s specialized circuits being an order of magnitude more expensive than the standard circuits. - The following items are affected: Brain (CMC)...
Merge concrete into concrete bricks and refined concrete into reinforced concrete bricks.
## About the author Someone weirdly fixated on uniform polytopes and related math. ## Quick Summary Explains what a uniform polytope is and how to construct many of them. ##...