Mohamed Meabed

Results 14 issues of Mohamed Meabed

Javascript html templates wasn't included in the form. Magento 1.9 Javascript broken when variables are empty.

@khurrumqureshi could you please help updating and fixing the tests.

Thanks for the great action, When i use it with yarn v3 berry - it is not re-using the cache. Any guide on how to get it working with yarn...

Hey! First thank you for the awesome component 🙏 Then :) After upgrading to latest react-native 0.63 - it stopped rendering at all - when downgrading back works fine -...

Thank you so much ❤️ for all the great work and effort. I have found a potential bug: When you use `updateMany` resolver on array field it is executed on...

Thank you so much for great effort in building this. In generating artefacts ``` outputs: { schema typegen } ``` it would be great to have a callback after writing...

The typing for "object" is wrong in latest release. The key could be string | number or anything. This has been changed in latest release. ![image](

### Summary When Prebuild cli v49.0.2 I get this error `CommandError: The bundled native module list from the Expo API is empty` Digging and looking at the cause found that...


Using "@swc/core": "1.3.88", there is error with `noInterop` ``` JSON: {"sourceMaps":true,"module":{"noInterop":false,"type":"es6","strictMode":true,"ignoreDynamic":false},"swcrc":false,"jsc":{"parser":{"syntax":"typescript","tsx":false,"dynamicImport":true,"importAssertions":true},"target":"es2015","transform":{"legacyDecorator":true,"react":{"throwIfNamespace":false,"useBuiltins":false}},"keepClassNames":false,"experimental":{"keepImportAssertions":true}}} Caused by: unknown field `noInterop`, expected `resolveFully` at line 1 column 391 ``` Probably similar fix as: Might...