Michael Doube
Michael Doube
Only nearest neighbour interpolation is used when rotating stacks in Moments and Anisotropy. Other interpolation schemes are possible, like cubic and linear. Implementation of interpolation of pixel values will result...
The random sampling sphere approach is a bit of a hack and leaves out parts of the image. A smarter way of sampling eigenvectors throughout the image would extend vectors...
Git is intimidating. Eclipse setup is a minefield. Help people get through that and into productive coding. Quickstart guide? Hint from Shefelbine.
Sandra Shefelbine reports that she has never got BoneJ to work on her Mac. Update documentation and/or packaging to improve installation experience for Mac users.
FEA meshes can be made from image data. Provide methods to export image data in a format suitable for creation of FEA meshes (or create meshes directly).
in Slice Geometry, Bonej takes values from (0,65536) "unsigned integer" for calculating density instead of signed integer (-32768;32768) that are shown in imagej panel. This is confusing. An option box...
Interesting technique to create a shape- and topology-preserving skeleton then classifying and dilating it to segment individual trabeculae. Liu X, Sajda P, Saha P, Wehrli F, Bevill G, Keaveny T,...
More rod and plate classification, following on from the shape-preserving thinning approach DTA. Saha P, Yan Xu, Hong Duan, Heiner A, Guoyuan Liang. Volumetric Topological Analysis: A Novel Approach for...