Mine Dogucu
Mine Dogucu
It is unclear whether the question is asking expected value of all transistors produced or expected value of all non-defective transistors (before the first defective one).
Some variable types do not seem as appropriate. For instance, `artist` is labeled as a factor.
When plot functions are used with certain models set to false (e.g. `posterior = FALSE`) the plot still shows these models on the legend.
When grading multiple files (e.g. `README.md` and `hw1.qmd`, if a student did not provide `README.md`, then the system skips the student and starts grading the next one. One of the...
The `push_to_github()` function uses the argument `create_issues` but the [documentation](https://federicazoe.github.io/gradetools/articles/d-extended-capability-github.html) uses the argument `push_issues`.
Please consider adding preprint to - README - website - citation info. See example for [tidytext](https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/tidytext/citation.html)
Make the function check if there are no partially graded assignments, and if there are not then do not ask for those preferences
It would be great to have `push_to_canvas()` type of function