Mine Dogucu

Results 9 issues of Mine Dogucu

It is unclear whether the question is asking expected value of all transistors produced or expected value of all non-defective transistors (before the first defective one).


Some variable types do not seem as appropriate. For instance, `artist` is labeled as a factor.

When plot functions are used with certain models set to false (e.g. `posterior = FALSE`) the plot still shows these models on the legend.

future goal

Write unit tests for functions.

future goal

When grading multiple files (e.g. `README.md` and `hw1.qmd`, if a student did not provide `README.md`, then the system skips the student and starts grading the next one. One of the...

The `push_to_github()` function uses the argument `create_issues` but the [documentation](https://federicazoe.github.io/gradetools/articles/d-extended-capability-github.html) uses the argument `push_issues`.

Please consider adding preprint to - README - website - citation info. See example for [tidytext](https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/tidytext/citation.html)

Make the function check if there are no partially graded assignments, and if there are not then do not ask for those preferences

high priority

It would be great to have `push_to_canvas()` type of function
