MPU9255 icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
MPU9255 copied to clipboard

ROS package that publishes the MPU-9255 data into a Topic.

ROS MPU9255 Node

c++ ROS node wrapper for the mpu9255 gyroscope / accelerometer/magnetometer.
Reads accelerometer, gyroscopic and magnetic data in 3D giving 9 Degrees of Freedom.
Publishes sensor_msgs::IMU to /imu/data_raw topic(angular_velocity and linear_acceleration).
Publishes sensor_msgs::MagneticField to /imu/data_raw topic(angular_velocity and linear_acceleration).
Supported interface : I2C.
used in Raspberry PI 3.\


First install WiringPI:

git clone git://
cd ~/wiringPi

Then clone this repository into your ROS workspace(src folder):

git clone

Compile it:

g++ offsetIMU.cpp -lwiringPi -o offsetIMU

Run a node:

./offsetIMU ofssetData.txt
source devel/setup.bash
rosrun MPU9255 MPU9255_node

Review the published data with:

rostopic echo /imu/data_raw
rostopic echo /imu/mag

Complementary filter

install imu-tools:

sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-imu-tools

run launch file:

source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch MPU9255 imu.launch


Create a rosbag file (.bag)

run launch file:

source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch MPU9255 record_topic.launch

Get data from the topics of the .bag file:

rostopic echo -b file.bag -p /topic

Visualize Rviz:

source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch MPU9255 record_topic.launch
rviz 				# other terminal

Configure as FIG.1 or load config file in (rviz_config/imu.rviz)

Alt text

GIF: Alt text

More information about published topics: