Hi, Thanks a lot for this amazing job working perfectly. I confirm the fact that the button needs to be pressed twice in order to trigger the siwtch.
Here you are :) 15:46:46 HTTP: Handle console 15:46:46 MQTT: Receive topic cmnd/sonoffTouch/status, data size 1, data 0 15:46:46 MQTT: DataCb Topic sonoffTouch, Group 0, Index 1, Type STATUS, Data...
Here is the log when I press twice the button to switch the light on : 16:42:09 APP: Multipress 1 16:42:10 MQTT: domoticz/in = {"idx":11, "nvalue":1, "svalue":""} 16:42:10 MQTT: stat/sonoffTouch/POWER...
Well strange enough... now if I click once it works multipress1 and if I click twice quickly it's multipress 2... I don't get it... I'll try to check again later......
Hi, I stoped all the logs (set to 0 for serial, syslog and web) but still the same behaviour... 90% of the time, two presses are needed.
Update with log in debug mode, bus signal was shortly lost and MQTT has been disconnected on the broker side > 2021-03-29 06:48:13.155 [bus debug] send/receive symbol latency 9 ms,...
Hi, Thanks for your response. I checked the configuration file of my broker but I don't see any disconnect timeout in the configuration file of Mosquitto. However the keep alive...
For my 470, if I do it on the thermostat 470 itself, i get : 2023-12-08 20:05:15.543 [update notice] sent poll-read 470 HwcOPMode QQ=31: 6 2023-12-08 20:05:15.543 [mqtt notice] read...
Thanks @alexob it works. It seems I forgot to restart after the bad. Thanks @meute
It works on my side. When I was testing it, I noticed that if I wanted to trigger the onetimewater during "heating water configured hours", it came on and directly...