Sonoff-MQTT-OTA-Arduino copied to clipboard
Sonoff Touch two presses
Hello! Not work two,three and more short presses on Sonoff Touch. This is normal?
It might not work as the sonoff touch button works a bit differently. I'll need time to investigate.
I have the same issue and i will be very happy, if you could solve this problem. Because my wife - and i can understand this - don´t like this button because of needing more then one attempt to switch the light on or of! Thank you for this great projekt!!
Hi, Thanks a lot for this amazing job working perfectly. I confirm the fact that the button needs to be pressed twice in order to trigger the siwtch.
Can you send the output of command status 0
Here you are :)
15:46:46 HTTP: Handle console 15:46:46 MQTT: Receive topic cmnd/sonoffTouch/status, data size 1, data 0 15:46:46 MQTT: DataCb Topic sonoffTouch, Group 0, Index 1, Type STATUS, Data 0 (0) 15:46:46 MQTT: stat/sonoffTouch/RESULT = 3.1.1, 1, sonoffTouch, 0, POWER, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0 15:46:46 MQTT: stat/sonoffTouch/RESULT = PRM: Baudrate 115200, GroupTopic sonoff2s, OtaUrl, Uptime 309 Hr, BootCount 18, SaveCount 258 15:46:46 MQTT: stat/sonoffTouch/RESULT = FWR: Program 3.1.1, Boot 4, SDK 1.5.3(aec24ac9) 15:46:46 MQTT: stat/sonoffTouch/RESULT = LOG: Seriallog 4, Weblog 4, Syslog 4, LogHost, SSId1 WiFi-2.4-950F, Password1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx, SSId2 indebuurt2, Password2 VnsqrtnrsddbrN, TelePeriod 300 15:46:46 MQTT: stat/sonoffTouch/RESULT = MEM: ProgramSize 385kB, Free 552kB (Heap 13kB), SpiffsStart 940kB (64kB), FlashSize 1024kB (1024kB) 15:46:46 MQTT: stat/sonoffTouch/RESULT = NET: Host sonoffTouch-3383, IP, Gateway, Subnetmask, Mac 60:01:94:82:ED:37, Webserver 2, WifiConfig 1 15:46:46 MQTT: stat/sonoffTouch/RESULT = MQT: Host, Port 1883, Client DVES_%06X (DVES_82ED37), User DVES_USER, Password DVES_PASS, MAX_PACKET_SIZE 400, KEEPALIVE 15 15:46:46 MQTT: stat/sonoffTouch/RESULT = TIM: UTC Sun Jan 22 14:46:46 2017, Local Sun Jan 22 15:46:46 2017, StartDST Sun Mar 26 02:00:00 2017, EndDST Sun Oct 29 03:00:00 2017
I see no strange config errors. If I touch once it just switches as does tapping it twice too as expected:
16:29:18 APP: Multipress 1
16:29:18 MQTT: stat/touch1/RESULT = {"POWER":"ON"}
16:29:18 MQTT: stat/touch1/POWER = ON
16:29:18 Config: Saved configuration (1160 bytes) to flash at F7 and count 38
16:29:27 APP: Multipress 1
16:29:28 MQTT: stat/touch1/RESULT = {"POWER":"OFF"}
16:29:28 MQTT: stat/touch1/POWER = OFF
16:29:28 Config: Saved configuration (1160 bytes) to flash at F8 and count 39
16:29:29 APP: Multipress 1
16:29:30 APP: Multipress 2
16:29:30 MQTT: stat/touch1/RESULT = {"POWER":"ON"}
16:29:30 MQTT: stat/touch1/POWER = ON
16:29:30 Config: Saved configuration (1160 bytes) to flash at F7 and count 40
If you try to switch your touch how many APP: Multipress x do you see?
Here is the log when I press twice the button to switch the light on :
16:42:09 APP: Multipress 1 16:42:10 MQTT: domoticz/in = {"idx":11, "nvalue":1, "svalue":""} 16:42:10 MQTT: stat/sonoffTouch/POWER = ON 16:42:10 Config: Saved configuration (924 bytes) to flash at F7 and count 260 16:42:10 MQTT: Receive topic domoticz/out, data size 211, data { "Battery" : 255, "RSSI" : 12, "dtype" : "Light/Switch", "id" : "0001405B", "idx" : 11, "name" : "Entrée", "nvalue" : 1, "stype" : "Switch", "switchType" :
What's the frequency when you press twice your button? do you "double click" or do you press twice with one seconde in between? I need to press it with one seconde in between.
If I tap the button twice with more than 1 second interval it switches on at the first tap and off at the second tap. If I tap it quickly (within 1 second as that is the window I allow for multipress) then it receives two presses showing by multipress and switches the relay as expected as it executes the second tap option:
- 1 tap switch relay or executes ButtonTopic if it is NOT "0" (yours is "0" and OK)
- 2 taps switches relay directly
What happens if you tap it twice within 1 second?
Well strange enough... now if I click once it works multipress1 and if I click twice quickly it's multipress 2... I don't get it... I'll try to check again later... It's like now it's awake so it works directly but otherwise, the first click is to wake it up...
I would only like to press the button once and the light should go on or off. I thought yes it is s.Sensor, but I simply do not find regularity. Sometimes the light goes with a touch and then I need again several attempts to switch the light. It is very strange.
Stop logging too many on too many media. I guess your touch is not connected to serial anymore so set seriallog to 0. Having syslog set to 4 with domoticz flooding MQTT is a path to disaster too. set it to 2 at most. When done debugging also set weblog to 2.
Now you should be able to enjoy your sonoff touch with just a single tap (I hope...)
Hi, I stoped all the logs (set to 0 for serial, syslog and web) but still the same behaviour... 90% of the time, two presses are needed.
For me it is the same. It seems like the touchfunction is a little bit more sensitiv, but i often need more attemps to switch the light. Can I reduce traffic, if i disable other functions (e.g. mqtt)?
Today, i have tested another thin script and it runs smooth and every touch is successfull. Then i have cross tested the actual version 3.2.13 and i have the same problems with the touch. I think, this super script is to big for the touch (and the prozessor). Is there a possility to make it smaller? I don´t need the whole support of this firmware for the touch. I think a web-interface and the possibility to control the device with http: requests (e.g. http://sonoff/ is perfect for me and it could be working nice and smooth without probles. Thanx for your great work!
Try and disable MQTT and Wemo and Hue in the web interface or just don't compile them in.
Same for this version though, just disable MQTT in user_config.h
Now, I am back on 3.1.9, because the higher version "kills" the sonoff touch". After some the device is suddenly unreachable. I can only reactivate the sonoff touch by flashing it again! My first question is, where in the user_config.h can I disable the MQTT? And second can I flash it ota, after exporting it to a bin-file? thanx ;-)
I´ve tried the Tasmota, but after the first reboot (choose touch) the sonoff don´t want to restart. No more function - I think I must flash again.
#Can you guys tell me in witch gpio the touch button is connected to?
Best regards, Daniel Tavares