
Results 12 issues of Alex

I'm importing @tensorflow/[email protected] and most of the api subpackages have corresponding `*.d.ts` files, but nothing in the `-layers` package. JS only. I've checked for `@types/tensorflow__tfjs-layers` and they haven't been generated...


I am trying to write an insecure HTTP2 web server. However it crashes on any inputs. I need an insecure HTTP2 server. Here's my code: ```typescript import { createServer }...

awaiting more info

**Current behavior:** `injectGlobal` from `@emotion/css` retains injections from another emotion server! **To reproduce:** It's a server-side rendered app. Render code: ```typescript import { getMarkupFromTree } from '@apollo/client/react/ssr'; import { cache...

needs triage

Hi. I'd like to fetch something from a socket instead of a TCP/IP host:port. So if I start the server like: ```typescript import { createServer } from 'node:http2'; const server...

### What minimal example or steps are needed to reproduce the bug? I have the following repositories in my VSCode workspace: ``` workspace/ - marketing-web/ --- .stylelintrc.js - web-platform/ ---...

status: needs investigation

### What is the problem this feature will solve? This will get node's implementation of `fetch` closer to how it behaves in the browser. ### What is the feature you...

## Bug Description I'm trying to send a request to a local server running HTTP/2 without TLS (H2C) over a unix domain socket. This is what my company uses for...


`result.outputFiles` is null when `write: true` which is the typical case. IMHO this plugin can look at `Object.keys(result.metafile?.outputs)` and compress that instead. This way you can avoid the double compilation.

## Description (What) Updating customTypes documentation so that the examples in there are less confusing. ## Justification (Why) ## How Can This Be Tested? `npm run dev -w site`

This is a feature request to have a global or context way to pass in additional parameters. I.e. node already has fetch, so this package's only selling point is extra...