
Results 12 comments of Alex

Can you guys add this file to your repos? `/types/jest-expect-message.d.ts` ```typescript declare namespace jest { interface Expect { (actual: T, failMessage: string): JestMatchers; } } ``` This is so that...

I'm new to GitHub. I have made a change for RTL language support on my local clone. But I'm not sure how to open a PR. Contributing docs aren't helpful...

That makes it work in left to right direction. It moves the wrong way in RTL languages. It should start at the right, and move towards left for true RTL...

+1 Actually I'm glad we found this, because with the inability to disable the dropdown this makes this unusable for us.

How is this still an issue? Just tried it and none of the suggestions above work in Windows. :(

+1 to this being incredibly annoying and broken. For Google Cloud Run and Google Cloud Functions, the solution is to add an empty `gcp-build` script.

@jama22 I spoke to Google support that said your answer should be considered 'official' which is bonkers to me. Our usecase is that we use an internal registry with private...

@aduh95 Can you elaborate? Does nodeJs use undici? If yes, in what version is this supported? I'm using Node 20, which is latest LTE version and fetch there doesn't support...

@mcolina Just to clraify: I'm using Http2SecureServer with `allowHttp1: true` to return an error on `unexpectedProtocol`. So sounds like my server would always return the error in this proposal. Can...

Small correction: This fails for secure servers in express 5 as well. Different stack though: ``` TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'readable') at IncomingMessage._read (node:_http_incoming:214:19) at (node:internal/streams/readable:547:12)...