Yes, thanks. On my own system I used 2to3 to convert the 3 code file permanently and then removed it as a requirement, however there are third-party docker containers that...
I had to do a few things. Run all the .py files through 2_to_3, and also modify one of the the iteration methods to use the python 3 method of...
I ended up dumping pushover in HA and using the node-red pushover node for alerting in my automation flows. That gets around these issues as it’s kept updated.
Any progress on this?
Just adding a test outcome that may or may not fall into the dimmer category. I have a Zooz Zen31 rgbw dimmer. I get sensors for all the power monitoring...
I wanted to check in on this feature request. I tried to do this with ls but then found exa and this is the only missing feature that would make...
I just found this issue after I searched trying to figure out why my dns server was getting spammed by hundreds of dns queries per minute from heimdall. It even...
My main issue with the external display is that mosh seems to have a partial implementation of dual screen support which is app-based in IOS. When I open it I...
Thanks! I just found that commit from another issue just before you posted. It works and allows split screen, but because it is mirrored, it is letterboxed and doesn’t use...
Hello, so maybe I am missing something, but without STATE as a _field, how can I display "zpool state" in a grafana card? That was going to be my primary...