Marco Collovati

Results 112 comments of Marco Collovati

Creating an application with `--latest` (currently 23.2.3) I can now see only a single warning ``` 022-10-06 17:08:53.082 WARN 80941 --- [ restartedMain] : You are asking Spring Security...

Should be moved in `configure(HttpSecurity http)` before `super`. ``` @Override protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception { http.authorizeRequests().antMatchers("/images/*.png").permitAll(); super.configure(http); setLoginView(http, LoginView.class, LOGOUT_URL); } ```

> @Legioth I added a test view to the branch but the fix seems non-functional to me, would you spend a moment and see if it works for you? Just...

Current implementation executes `sendCommand` twice, first in `Debouncer.flushAll()` and then immediately after the previous call. We can somehow prevent to invoke `sendCommand.accept(null)` if already done in `Debouncer.flushAll()`. But there is...

Can confirm the problem is with Java 17.0.3, and also using 17.0.2 as workaround

Same thought about the old `configure(WebSecurity web)` Should we maybe expose a `WebSecurityCustomizer` bean with logic previously from `configure(WebSecurity web)`? If we adopt the same pattern, the migration would be...

Hi @DManstrator I followed your instructions but I was not able to reproduce the problem. A sample project may be very useful

Hi @letrthang, sorry for delayed answer. As Artur said, using `@Javascript` annotation, your script is loaded after the page is loaded. If you want your script to be part of...

Here's also a link to the documentation

Seems like NO_PROXY is the most used form. We may need to also support NOPROXY for backward compatibility