Hi, Cylinder3D is a wonderful work! I'm intrested in how you using it in detection. Will you share your code of it? @xinge008
if i use label.metadata.speed_x to read the speed of object, what's the unit of speed? m/s or km/h? I found that some speed is just like speed:2[3.603297793914359e-27, -7.206595587828718e-27]. Why the...
Hi, I'm a new user of WOD, it's a wonderful dataset. However, I'm confused about how to use the SIDE_LEFT, SIDE_RIGHT, FRONT, REAR laser. In your code you just use...
hi, i want to ask if i only want to use the fov points, how can i select the gt boxes only in fov?
Hi, I'm a new user of WOD. I want to transform the 3d location of points in time t-1 to time t, what should I do? Using points(t-1)*pose(t)?
hi, i am comfuse about where the code of quantization and subsampling is. can you offer me the exact route of them?
Hi, I found you mentioned the speed of rangenet++ is 5fps(64x2048) on Jetson agx, but I wonder how's the speed after tensorrt on Jetson agx? @jbehley
hi, I am really confused about the max_num_epochs=160 and steps=30950 in yourt car.fhd.config. It seems that I train the code following the steps=3.950 but not max_num_epochs. So how can I...
Hi, I also wonder the memory in your table6. I set batchsize=1 when inference in V100, but I get the memory is 1800+M, how can i get the 102M or...