Mark Taylor
Mark Taylor
Peter (or other GAIA maintenance enthusiasts???), there is a dynamically generated FITS cube I'm trying to load into GAIA from SAMP, at the following URL: ``` ``` If I...
Hi @gmantele. I noticed some ADQL queries using UDFs that are declared to return `POINT` values are not being parsed as I'd expect; if they are used as the argument...
See #146. The registry part of the IVOID should be assessed case-insensitively according to section 2.1 of the IVOID standard (
Language Features currently need canonical capitalisation of the feature type in order to be recognised, for instance if I create a feature like this: ``` new LanguageFeature(""ivo://", "CIRCLE") ``` it...
DaCHS declares some UDFs with parameter or return values of array type, e.g.: ``` ivo_histogram(val REAL, lower REAL, upper REAL, nbins INTEGER) -> INTEGER[] ``` Such declarations are currently rejected...