@nicholas716 Is this still happening? Can you confirm and close if all okay now?
Thanks @nvrabii . We are looking into adding this. We will come back to you.
Closing this as it's covered by other smaller tickets.
Hello @augustfr One of your web3.storage tokens has been deleted. Is it possible you are trying to display pinned files that were pinned using that particular token? Also, you screenshot...
Hello @augustfr Will close this ticket. Do let us know if you encounter more issues! Thanks
Closing ticket as issue couldn't be reproduced locally after fix.
To be discussed with @alanshaw
Discussed with @alanshaw @flea89 @francois-potato. All things that cannot be pinned, will be added to a separate queue that keeps growing. In the meantime cluster will keep trying to pin...
Current situation is that the Email notifications CRON job has been disabled. Keeping this ticket alive in the parking lot for when the service is reactivated.
@dchoi27 this is not scheduled. @joshJarr worked on the backend but is on holidays this week and scheduled to work on w3name next week. Should we re-prioritise? Thanks!