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Modified firmware for different flight controllers (Emuflight/BetaFlight)
Hello, is it possible to get an update to the latest BF 4.3 #2473 Builds? Since the last BF 4.3 release available here, there were a lot of important updates...
Hi, is it possible to generete HEX also for 4.2.9 STM32F405? Someow my betafpv cannot support upgrade 4.3.0, so I stuck on 4.2.9
After flashing STM32F7X2 4.2.8 to iFlight_F722_TwinG, it will not ask to apply custom defaults causing multiple issues
Thanks for the Mod! Its working fine on my F7 board but doesn't seem to show up on my F4 Board. Tmotor F4 - Craft Name disappears on power cycle....
I just put STM32F745 BF 4.2.8 on my long range 7in. On the bench I am getting a Link Quality warning. I am using the crossfire hack to have LQ...
Adding a flag to place the LQ value into the RSSI field would be amazing and many crossfire pilots will call you a hero ;-) I know you mentioned it...