Michael Bebenita

Results 52 comments of Michael Bebenita

You can also just set the css `width` / `height` properties on the canvas element. I forget if the code overwrites these properties, but you can always force them with...

Having a fixed size is generally difficult to do, because the aspect ratio can change. Something like this probably needs to be implemented - http://help.adobe.com/en_US/FlashPlatform/reference/actionscript/3/flash/display/StageScaleMode.html

Sorry for the late reply. The mp4.js file should be able to give you the raw audio samples, take a look at https://github.com/mbebenita/Broadway/blob/master/Player/mp4.js#L459 I would recommend looking at the spec...

The code is probably using `requestAnimationFrame` (`rAF`) to play back video frames as quickly as possible. You should be able to use `setInterval` or `rAF` with manual frame rate throttling.

@jik77 what are you trying to accomplish exactly?

@drortreler you can start by reading the mp4 specification, [here](https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/QuickTime/QTFF/QTFFPreface/qtffPreface.html) is the QuickTime spec which is what I used to implement the parser, the two specs are pretty much the...

Timestamp information is available in the container format, not in the raw stream. Broadway includes an mp4 parser, you should be able to figure out the timestamp using that. Read...

Only a small portion of the decoding path uses hardware acceleration, namely YCbCr to RGB conversion. The main benefit of this is two fold: 1. The colorspace conversion math is...

:+1: @soliton4 it would be great to have an NPM module. This may break the demo, what do you think?

I don't mind, either way. If we start publishing NPM modules it might make sense to document things better and setup some kind of CI so we don't break things.