Michael Bebenita

Results 52 comments of Michael Bebenita

Does the problem persist if you use this [decoder](https://arewecompressedyet.com/runs/new-av1-screen-ibc-filt-nowf-d0-1@2018-02-01T00:55:51.819Z/js/decoder.js) an this [video](https://arewecompressedyet.com/runs/new-av1-screen-ibc-filt-nowf-d0-1@2018-02-01T00:55:51.819Z/twitch-1/EuroTruckSimulator2_0_120f.y4m-55.ivf) file. Were you able to compile the `inspect.js` successfully? Can you paste your console output?

How about the errors in the browser console? With the `--dev` flag, you should be able to see the Chrome DevTools and see what the console errors are. Can you...

Thanks @rogerzhou-github, it looks like for some reason your `inspect.js` file doesn't export the `UTF8ToString` function that the analyzer expects. How did you build the `inspect.js` file? Using the directions...

@rogerzhou-github what version of Emscripten do you have? According to the docs, the [function is exported](https://kripken.github.io/emscripten-site/docs/api_reference/preamble.js.html#UTF8ToString) by Emscripten. Also, how did you install Emscripten?

@rogerzhou-github looks like Emscripten has changed the list of exported functions, I'll have to add UTF8ToString to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS in the AOM repo.

I just saw this, I'll review it shortly. Sorry about that.

@jmvalin are you referring to the old paint deringing filter? Should we close this issue?

![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/311082/28440675-23fd2520-6d5c-11e7-8177-43977add7ada.png) This may be larger than the MI grid size.

It's just a broken link. This [works](https://arewecompressedyet.com/analyzer/?maxFrames=4&decoder=https://arewecompressedyet.com/runs/lmm_kf@2018-01-18T16:52:11.032Z/js/decoder.js&decoderName=lmm_kf%402018-01-18T16%3A52%3A11.032Z&file=https://arewecompressedyet.com/runs/lmm_kf@2018-01-18T16:52:11.032Z/objective-1-fast/MINECRAFT_60f_420.y4m-63.ivf).

Interesting, are there any other details about the error? I'm currently using emcc 1.37.19 and I don't have any troubles. I wonder if something has changed.