
Results 9 issues of 马云

the improvement scenario is for order by prefix columns of mdk + limit 1. order by prefix columns of mdk asc + limit 2. order by prefix columns of mdk...

### Description Dear, It seems it is not easy to use the dubbo proxy plugin in real project. It has too much restriction. It's not very common solution. Do you...

it should be better to put if clause out of the for clause

### Description Dear, I can't run my customized java plugin, please help me ,thanks! apisix configuration as below springboot start class as below ``` @SpringBootApplication(scanBasePackages = {"com.zebra", "org.apache.apisix.plugin.runner"}) @EnableDiscoveryClient @EnableCreateCacheAnnotation...

### Description Issue description I run the apisix in docker [root@cloudpark-test ~]# docker ps ``` CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 8fa47e223cf5 apache/apisix:3.7.0-debian "/docker-entrypoint.…" About an hour ago...

### Description Dear, Does the socket file need to config manually in the spring config file for java plugin ? I found if i don't config the socket file ,...

Issue description I run the apisix in docker the apisix config as below the docker-compose.yml as below my java plugin application.yaml as below I use the command "docker exec -it...

我们想自己开发一些业务上的组件加入加入到脚手架里,不知道有没有指南 或者什么学习资料 谢谢!

Dear, I build the project in linux server by mvn error, like the screenshot ![image](https://github.com/alibaba/cloud-native-app-initializer/assets/22955377/54c8d34a-28b1-450b-a656-b5a95a6bdb71) linux server os info as below: ![image](https://github.com/alibaba/cloud-native-app-initializer/assets/22955377/9f17fc9f-0499-457f-a87c-ceaf2957ee17) I have already installed the nodejs and yarn...