
Results 10 comments of 马云

@shreemaan-abhishek dear shreemaan, could you help me

who can help? > sorry I am not much familiar with the plugin runner.

> 调试模式是需要先指定 sock文件的,运行模式则不需要,apisix在启动插件时会自动在 /usr/local/生成一个sock啊 这样啊?等会我试试 你知道 运行模式 怎么新增jvm参数吗

> > 式 怎么新增jvm参数吗 > > 这个应是在springbooot启动命令中增加,我还没做到这一步,我有个问题,receive undefined filter: xxxx, skip it 这个你遇到过吗,插件启动正常,但是apisix检测不到配置的自定义插件 没有碰到 我也是新手 我现在因为用了jdk17 启动java 程序需要增加一些jvm参数 死活配置不了 我吐血了,他哪个启动时配置的 apisix conf文件里的

> 这个有很多啊 https://blog.csdn.net/CNDN_Web/article/details/132103148 配置在cmd里面的 他是apisix 自己去调用 java命令启动的 不是自己写的脚本启动

If i remove the socket.file configuration from the application.yml, it shows the below error when startup: ``` , context: ngx.timer 2023/12/26 15:55:30 [warn] 53#53: *81 [lua] init.lua:961: 2023-12-26 15:55:30.912 WARN...

error logs ``` &version=1.0.0, dubbo version: 2.7.8, current host: 2023-12-26 15:39:26.126 INFO 220 --- [lientWorker-1-1] o.a.d.r.t.netty4.NettyClientHandler : [DUBBO] The connection of / -> / is disconnected., dubbo version: 2.7.8,...

I tried to use the run model run the java plugin ,still failed ``` , context: ngx.timer 2023/12/26 15:49:19 [warn] 53#53: *52 [lua] init.lua:961: 2023-12-26 15:49:19.836 INFO 87 --- [...

I tried to remove the socket.file from the spring boot application.yml and restart apisix. it still failed with another error. ``` socket: file: /tmp/runner.sock ``` ``` istry://localhost:9090/org.apache.dubbo.registry.RegistryService?application=dubbo-plugin&check=false&dubbo=2.0.2&generic=true&group=parking&init=false&interface=com.rrht.common.service.sys.SysUserService&metadata-type=remote&pid=88&qos.enable=false&register.ip=, dubbo version: 2.7.8,...

@jackylk actually the first pr is #988 raised by me, I closed it since it has some useless commits information. So I re-create a PR. the #990 is createdby @chenerlu...